WIOA Funding

The WIOA Application Process is now updated and available!

Please submit your interest using our WIOA Interest Form ► and one of our team members will follow up with you regarding your application process.


Workforce Investment Board

California State University, Dominguez Hills College of Continuing and Professional Education (CCPE) offers the following programs eligible for funding under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA).

Workforce Development, Aging and Community Services, through the network of America’s Job Center of California and partners, prepares residents of Los Angeles County to succeed in the labor market. This is done through a combination of education, training, career counseling, and support services provided through the WIOA Adult Job Seeker Programs. Los Angeles County has two distinct programs for adult job seekers – the Adult Program serves all adult job seekers, and the Dislocated Worker Program serves job seekers that were connected to the workforce but have recently lost a job or may lose a job in the near future.
For more information, visit WIOA Adult Job Seeker Programs ►

If you are looking for a job and need training, you could be eligible to receive funding. For information on how to apply, contact your local Workforce Investment Board or Workforce Development Board office:
South Bay Workforce Investment Board ►

CCPE WIOA Contact:
Inez S. Bush, MAEd


Approved Programs at CSUDH

The following certificate programs are approved for funding through the Workforce Investment Board. 

Special Sessions (Career Development) Programs:

Community College Teaching Certificate (asynchronous and live online)

Construction Project Management Certificate (live online)

Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) Course (on campus)

Global Logistics Certificate (live online)

Grant Writing and Administration Certificate (live online)

Human Resource Management Certificate (live online)

Human Resource Business Partner Certificate (live online)

Medical Insurance Billing Certificate (live online)

Meeting and Event Planning Certificate (hybrid)

Project Management Certificate (live online)

Purchasing Certificate (asynchronous online)

Supply Chain Management Certificate (asynchronous online)

Technical Writing Certificate (asynchronous online)

OSHA Programs:

Advanced Health and Safety Certificate

Certified Safety & Health Official Certificate

Healthcare Safety Technician Certificate (not available at this time)

Hospitality Health & Safety Manager Certificate (not available at this time)

Occupational Safety and Health for Managers & Supervisors Certificate

Refinery Safety Technician Certificate (not available at this time)

Safety & Health Fundamentals Certificate (not available at this time)


Workforce Center Locations

Ability First201 S. Kinneloa Ave.PasadenaCA91107
Cerritos Career Center (Southeast Los Angeles County WDB)10900 E. 183rd St., Suite 350CerritosCA90703
City of Los Angeles - Workforce Development Board1200 W 7th St.Los AngelesCA90017
Compton One-Stop Center (Compton Career Link)700 N. Bullis Rd.ComptonCA90221
Foothill One-Stop Career Center (Foothill WDB)1207 E. Green St.PasadenaCA91106
Gardena One-Stop Center (South Bay One-Stop Gardena)16801 S. Western Ave.GardenaCA90274
Harbor Gateway WorkSource Center222 W. 6th St., Suite 410San PedroCA90731
Hub Cities One-Stop Career Center (Hub Cities Consortium)2677 Zoe Ave., 2nd FloorHuntington ParkCA90255
Inglewood One-Stop (South Bay One-Stop Inglewood)110 S. La Brea Ave.InglewoodCA90301
Jackie Robinson Center1020 N. Fair Oaks Ave.PasadenaCA91101
West Covina Employment Development Department933 S. Glendora Ave.West CovinaCA91790
Pasadena Community Job Center500 N. Lake Ave.PasadenaCA91101
PCC Community Education Center3035 E. Foothill Blvd.PasadenaCA91107
SASSFA One-Stop Career Center (Southeast Area Social Services Funding Authority)10400 Pioneer Blvd. Ste. 8Santa Fe SpringsCA90670
South LA WorkSource Center7518-26 S. Vermont Ave.Los AngelesCA90044
Southeast LA - Watts WorkSource Center2224 E. 114th St.Los AngelesCA90059
Verdugo Jobs Center1255 S. Central Ave.GlendaleCA91204
West Los Angeles WorkSource Center5446 Sepulveda Blvd.Culver CityCA90230
Westlake WorkSource Center (Pico Union WorkSource Center)1055 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 900ALos AngelesCA90017
Wilshire-Metro WorkSource Center3550 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 500Los AngelesCA90010
Southern California Indian Center10175 Slater Ave., Suite 150Fountain ValleyCA92708
U.S. Veterans Initiative733 S. Hindry Ave.InglewoodCA90301
Los Angeles Job Corps Center1020 S. Olive St.Los AngelesCA90015
South LA WorkSource Center6109 S. Western Ave.Los AngelesCA90047
Last Updated: 3/20/23